Sunday, 11 February 2018

What’s the Deal With Seeded Weed?

Have you ever been browsing your local dispensary for some fresh new weed and come across some bags of seeded weed? Perhaps one of the most notable things about finding seeded marijuana is that it is normally a lot cheaper than other cannabis products. This makes a lot of people think that buying seeded weed is not okay and is not good for smoking, unless you are super desperate. In fact, many dispensaries will have huge sales with seeded weed, which means that you can purchase a lot of seeded weed for the price of your regular buds or nuggets. For a lot of novice or beginner cannabis users, this deal could sound pretty tempting.

After all, the seeds are still part of the marijuana plant, right? Could it be that they are just some part of the plant that you can smoke? Well, you may want to think twice before you decide to smoke seeded marijuana. So why does seeded marijuana happen? No grower would purposely make seeded weed and sell it to dispensaries, right? Well, that is kind of true. Sometimes while weed is being grown on a farm or manufacturing greenhouse, the cannabis plants accidentally end up pollinating with some of the other plants and produce seeded marijuana. It is true that this is not perfectly ideal for smoking, which is why it is so heavily discounted and why a lot of weed smokers avoid it. Today in this post, I wanted to take some time to talk about seeded marijuana and why or why not you should be purchasing it. 

So how does seeded weed even happen? And how is it that other marijuana plants have no seeds at all? Well, as a society we have been able to carefully grow and develop all kinds of plants to produce the qualities and traits that we want, while ignoring the ones we do not want. Humans have done this for years with fruits and vegetables, trees and yes, even cannabis. Most of the plants on earth are actually self pollinating, meaning that they do not need another plant to help them spread their genes. Cannabis is the same way. The cannabis plant is actually called a dioecious species, which means that it has both male and female plants that are best kept separate for specific grower purposes! However, it is also true that certain strains of cannabis will sometimes produce both male and female parts, which are referred to as hermaphrodite plants.

So what is the difference between the male and female cannabis plant? Well, for starters, the male marijuana plant has thinner stalks and fewer leaves generally, meaning that it grows and produces pollen pollen, which is carried by the wind or animals and is used to pollinate the female plants! It’s like the birds and the bees, my friends. This allows for the marijuana buds to be produced, harvested, and then smoked after people like you and me come pick up our weed from the nearest dispensary. So what does all this mean for seeded weed? Well, keep reading to find out more.

When it comes to seeded weed, it is important to keep in mind all the differences it has from regular cannabis buds that we are used to smoking. One of the more noticeable differences is that they are generally bigger, and are made up of seeds that come in a variety of sizes. Some non-germinated seeds (or baby seeds) are there with some extra chunky seeds that are fully grown. So is seeded weed good for smoking? Not really. We do not recommend smoking seeded marijuana!

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